Key management systems
CaseClosed® key management systems are a new dimension of secure storage. You always know exactly where your keys are and who is using them. You can centrally manage the key cabinets of several properties from one place and the keys are stored behind a locked door and an RFID tag. You can give users access to different keys. Rights can also be group-specific.
Administrators always have up-to-date information about the keys. In CaseClosed® management, key cabinets and storage compartments can be connected to the same system, or a Drop return box for keys can be attached to a cabinet, making returning the keys even faster! The system is easy to expand as needed and fewer keys are lost, saving you money!
pdf Smart key cabinets brochure (903 KB) pdf Brochure for small PSS series cabinets (853 KB)

The PSS smart cabinets have a capacity of 8–56 key positions, in sets of eight. The price includes a Windows computer integrated in the cabinet. The cabinet has also a touch screen and EM format card reader, ethernet network connection and WiFi.

KSL series cabinets are intended for larger applications that require centralised control of several key cabinets. The cabinets have a capacity of 16–400 keys, but can be increased to a system of more than 800 keys.